All Classes
Class | Description |
ChannelAware |
Represents an object that keeps track of a collection of channels.
ChannelHandler<C extends ListenerContext> |
Handles packets in a channel.
ClientContext |
Represents a context for packet reception
on the logical client.
ClientLoginContext |
Represents the context for
ClientNetworking.getLoginReceiver() , in which a
query request packest is received. |
ClientNetworking |
Offers access to client-side networking functionalities.
ClientPlayContext |
Represents the context for
ClientNetworking.getPlayReceiver() , in which a
server to
client custom payload packet is received. |
FutureListeners |
Utilities for working with netty's future listeners.
ListenerContext |
Represents a context for packet reception in a channel.
PacketByteBufs |
Utilities for working with packet byte bufs.
PacketChannelCallback<L extends> |
A callback that involves a network handler and a list of channels.
PacketListenerCallback<L extends> |
A callback that involves a network handler.
PacketReceiver<C extends ListenerContext> |
Associates packets to individual packet reception handlers by channel.
PacketSender |
Supports sending packets to channels.
PlayContext |
Represents a context for packet reception
in play stage of
the game in a channel.
PlayPacketSender |
Supports sending packets to channels in the play network handlers.
ServerContext |
Represents a context for packet reception
on the logical server.
ServerLoginContext |
Represents the context for
ServerNetworking.getLoginReceiver() , in which a
login query
response packet is received. |
ServerNetworking |
Offers access to server-side networking functionalities.
ServerPlayContext |
Represents the context for
ServerNetworking.getPlayReceiver() , in which a
client to server
custom payload packet is received. |