Interface PlayContext

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
ClientPlayContext, ServerPlayContext

public interface PlayContext
extends ListenerContext
Represents a context for packet reception in play stage of the game in a channel.

Compared to the basic listener context, the play context offers more access to the game.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    PlayPacketSender getPacketSender()
    Returns the packet sender corresponding this context.
    net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity getPlayer()
    Returns a player associated with the current packet.

    Methods inherited from interface io.github.fablabsmc.fablabs.api.networking.v1.ListenerContext

    getEngine, getListener
  • Method Details

    • getPacketSender

      PlayPacketSender getPacketSender()
      Returns the packet sender corresponding this context.

      This packet sender may be useful for responding after receiving the packet.

      the packet sender
    • getPlayer

      net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity getPlayer()
      Returns a player associated with the current packet.

      For security concerns, this method should be called on game engine threads in order to prevent inadvertent asynchronous modifications to the game.

      networking-api-v1-draft.offThreadGameAccess system property can be set to PERMIT for disabling checks, WARN for emitting an error message, and THROW to throw an exception. The values are case insensitive.

      the player associated with the current packet
      IllegalArgumentException - if this method is called outside of the corresponding engine threads