Interface ChannelAware

All Known Subinterfaces:
PacketReceiver<C>, PlayPacketSender

public interface ChannelAware
Represents an object that keeps track of a collection of channels.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    Collection<net.minecraft.util.Identifier> getChannels()
    Returns a collection of channels this object is tracking.
    boolean hasChannel​(net.minecraft.util.Identifier channel)
    Returns whether a channel is tracked by this object.
  • Method Details

    • getChannels

      Collection<net.minecraft.util.Identifier> getChannels()
      Returns a collection of channels this object is tracking.

      This collection does not contain duplicate channels.

      a collection of channels
    • hasChannel

      boolean hasChannel​(net.minecraft.util.Identifier channel)
      Returns whether a channel is tracked by this object.
      channel - the id of the channel to check
      whether the channel is tracked